RCBS Trim Mate Carbide Chamfer Tool

RCBS Trim Mate Carbide Chamfer Tool


>>The RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Centre helps to make the tedious tasks of chamfering, deburring, primer pocket cleaning, military crimp removal and flash hole deburring quick and effortless. >>The 5 gear driven heads turn each tool so all the reloader has to do is hold the brass at the appropriate location until they are satisfied with the results. >>These accessories make the RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Centre a more versatile machine to meet many case prep requirements. >>Deburring attachments are designed to remove any burrs that might be present after cases are trimmed to the appropriate length. >>Technical Information <>Fits: RCBS Trim Mate Case Prep Centre <>Function: Case mouth deburring tool <>Material: Steel tool with carbide cutter