REDDING Drop Tube Extension

REDDING Drop Tube Extension


Redding Reloading Equipment has focused on building the finest quality, American Made products for the precision handloading market since 1946.  Redding is offering a friction fit extended powder drop tube designed to fit all of current Redding powder measures and their funnel. Longer drop tubes allow powder to flow freely and stack better on loads that fill the case. This becomes more of an effect when using longer stick type powders.  Extended drop tubes have been popular with Bench Rest shooters who strive for full cases, as many people believe that a full case offers greater consistency of velocity with a given charge of powder. The new Redding extended drop tube allows cases to be filled completely, consistently and accurately.


It is simply designed to slip on over the existing drop tube on all current Redding measures and green Lexan funnels. It is made from the same transparent green Lexan as the Redding Powder Funnel and the included Powder Measure Drop Tube on the Powder Measures assuring years of service and a quality fit, the extended tube is 4-1/2 inches long and will fit calibers 22 to 45.